Well second semester FINALLY started. All I can say is that I am going to have absolutely no life for the next 5 months. :( Sad day. Oh boy. I had a lovely weekend though. I had a dear friend come for a visit. She lives about 5 1/2 hours away so we don't see each other often. She used to live near me and we saw each other nearly every single day that was possible. But, once I was 5 years of age, she moved. Moved away. Far away. I cried everyday for a year after she left, or so I am told by my mother who had to deal with all my tears. However, even though we were young we kept in touch. We wrote letters, we had long phone calls, and when the internet became available for us to use, we did so to our advantage. We shared a love for God, horses, painting, sewing, and anything old and British. She and I are so alike in many ways, I am always surprised how much we have in common when she comes to visit. It is amazing to have someone so alike yourself and who is so creative and so talented!

This beautiful painting by Pierre Auguste Renoir pretty much sums my dear friend and I.
The blond and the brunette.
Another thing.... yesterday was the Queen's 60th year on the throne! Amazing! My, I would love to visit England in her reign! I only fear that by the time I have enough money (well, money at all!) to go to England, she will have passed the crown to another! I guess we will just have to wait and see!
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