Saturday, October 20, 2012


 I am trying to bring this shabby blog back to life. I intended to start from scratch but I realized just how much effort it would be and I am a lazy person I am sorry to admit. So.... what have I been up to? I have been experimenting with instagram and flickr and that that good stuff. I have become addicted  to pinterest (isn't everyone?) and getting cool ideas for my humble blog.

Fall always puts me in a weird mood. I feel somewhat depressed due to the weather and super crafty due to the weather. Which then makes me want to mope and then go on pinterest which makes me want to pin and do crafts. That leads to wasting time resulting in putting off my homework which leads to me being stressed. Yup. Its a vicious cycle!  And that about sums it up. So why not put all that wasted time on the internet into action and make use/waste of my time by trying to revive my blog?

Will it work? Highly doubt it. But oh well.