Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye and Hello

Usually, on New Years Eve I go through some sort of a depression... My theory is that we FINALLY have gone though the whole year. We lived out day after day, 365 (sometimes 366) time , Monday through Sunday 52 times, and month after month 12 times. Then finally as you are about to enter a new year, you have to start over. Start once again on January 1 and go all the way to December 31. 365 days, 52 weeks, and 12 months; all over again just to do the same thing next year. I felt that we really never got anywhere. I sometimes thought that maybe should change the names of the month, just so we could have SOME change. (I thought of that notion when I was younger.)

But this year is different.... I don't know how or why but it is. 2011 has served me ever so well. But how do you measure a good year? While I am writing, right now, I see that I measure a good year by all the happy times. However, how foolish that is because I will be searching for a long long time for the 'perfect' year. I can honestly say that 2011 was the best year because, sure there were happy times, but there bad times too. But its not so much the fact about the 'happy times', but this year I feel like I have grown. I mean sure my hair has grown and I probably grew a couple centimetres, but I feel like I have grown as a person this year. I feel wiser and a great sense of the world and myself. God has made himself known to me and for that it has been a really unique and fulfilling year! So many memories and stories! I am actually looking forward to the new year!
Have a great evening and enjoy the new year, whatever it may bring. Even though everything seems like an endless cycle, each and every day is different and unique. Live it to the fullest and live it out for God. Enjoy!

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