Saturday, September 01, 2012

A summer night.

This is the first entry of my summer and on my new iPad, ( still trying to figure out if it was a wise purchase or not!!) I am currently out in a tent in my backyard enjoying the moon and stars and the various music from the parties around the river. When I think about it, not much has happened on the (actual) river side. I have been enjoying my summers the way I know best: alone under the stars and writing unfinished novels. Well, I haven't been totally secluded from the world, I have had a few friends over! 
I wrote last when I had one last exam to write. Well it went well and then it was summer time. And that meant time for camp. It seems so far away now when I write about it, but those weeks went by so fast! I don't know if it was as "amazing" as last year, but I learned just as much I feel. I learned that I always will be learning from here on after. I was humbled and at times I had to sallow my pride and move on, I learned what it felt like to be really small (again being humbled!), I learned to trust God completely (whether it be for words or just to rely on Him), and I learned to see beauty in the broken. Every year I seem to learn exactly what's need to learn, especially for the upcoming year. 
And now it's that time of year again; the leaves are already turning colours on the maple tree and the "Back to School" sings are up in the stores. It's the time of year where I really struggle with my contentment. It's that time of year when I feel society is draining everything they can from me, (translate that to English: putting and end to my freedome). 

But I am learning. And I suppose I will still be learning. 

For now, however, I am enjoying these astronomical objects before me! A.k.a the moon and stars! 

I blog with BE Write

I blog with BE Write

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