Sunday, January 22, 2012


I am feeling very restless of late. Perhaps it is the weather, or that exams are coming up, perhaps its just a faze. I am not sure. I have mixed feelings about everything and I am not even sure where these feelings originated! Which I suppose is the humorous part! I talked about Cranford before in my previous posts. I mentioned how much I loved it and was obsessed with it. Well, I found a new series. Lark Rise to Candleford by BBC. I have to say it is the best series ever made. I feel such a connection with all the characters. I almost think that it was made specifically for me! I had two snow days in a row and used the second day to spend 6 hours watching my show. Every hour that goes by seems like minutes. I am enthralled and a sense of comfort sweeps over me as that beginning tune starts to play. It does great good, but I also become restless because of it. I yearn to travel and find a land with rollings hills and long walks. I yearn to write and to live. I know my time will come but it seems to take forever. Life in 2012 seems to be missing the something; it seems like life is so foolish. We don't care about the day God has given us. It's just another day to waste our words, fling our emotions, be stubborn, and think highly (too highly) of ourselves. Well... now you know I am not myself. I am ranting, aren't I. Well, anyway, check out Lark Rise to Candleford (it's on Youtube) and I promise you that it will cause no regrets!

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